1. The true God

We worship the one and only God in three persons : Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is eternal, infinite, unchangeable, almighty, omniscient, perfectly wise, holy, just and good. He is Spirit. He is light and truth. He is love. He is the creator of all things. To him is due the highest degree of trust, obedience, gratitude, love and worship.

2. The Holy Scriptures

We believe that the Bible is God's Word to us. The only and infallible rule of faith and life is to be found there, and the foundation principles by which to judge every doctrine, tradition, and religious or ecclesiastical system, and every form of Christian action. Its revelation may not be modified or completed by any other. We believe that the Holy Spirit, in his sovereignty, presided over the origin and the formation of the sixty-six books of the Bible. We believe that he himself ensured the Bible's perfect teaching and its total truth, using authors who, in their humanity and under his divine inspiration, worked together to communicate to us the Word of God. We believe the Bible reveals all we need to know to find salvation, to live according to God's will and to find our joy in him.

3. Creation and man

We believe that God, in his perfect goodness, created the universe and all that is in it. We believe that this creation was in the beginning wholly good and that its direction is still to fulfill a plan of righteousness and love. We believe God created man and woman in his likeness to be his co-workers and to manifest his glory.

4. The separation and its consequences

We believe that though created morally righteous and good, our first parents consciously disobeyed their Creator. They thus forfeited their original state, and all of creation is affected by the consequences of their transgression. Since then, all men as their descendants are separated from God, have a tendency to evil, and are slaves of sin. They transgress God's laws and so continue to live under the threat of eternal perdition. Satan, as the instigator of the break between humanity and their Creator, along with the angels who work with him to maintain this situation, are destined for eternal punishment. We believe that God in his goodness offers men his grace. Personally and directly responsible before God, every human being is thus called upon to freely determine his eternal destiny by the spiritual position he assumes in this life, according to the light that is available to him.

5. Jesus Christ and his work

We believe that the eternal Word of God and only-begotten Son became a man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He is the Christ, the Messiah promised by the prophets. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, he is as fully man as he is God. Even though he voluntarily humbled himself, the Son of God manifested the same degree of perfection in the realm of truth as in the realm of goodness. He was tempted like us in all things, but remained perfectly holy. In his life as in his death he fully accomplished the will of God, communicated his mind and embodied the greatness of his love. We believe that Jesus Christ freely suffered and died on the cross. He offered up his perfect life in order to satisfy the demands of God's righteousness and as an atoning sacrifice for sinners. We believe Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead and that he ascended into heaven. He sits at the father's right hand and shares his glory. He intercedes before the Father on behalf of his people ; he will come again to gather them to himself and to establish the reign of God in all its glory. He is the only mediator between God and men. He will judge the living and the dead. He is Savior and Lord.

6. Salvation in Christ

We believe it is by grace that men are saved, through faith. Salvation is fully granted to all who, in the light of the Gospel and through the action of the Holy Spirit, put their trust in God, repent of their sins and claim the atoning work Christ accomplished at the cross. Because Christ's death and resurrection apply to him, the sinner is forgiven and declared righteous by God. He is baptized in the Spirit who regenerates him, and receives eternal life, which entails the renewal of his whole being.

7. The Holy Spirit and his action in the Christian life

We believe that the person of God the Holy Spirit works by applying to the human heart the truths of Scripture which he cannot contradict. In those who have been chosen according to God's plan he produces the essence and the fruits of the Christian life; he enables them to progress in that life and to persevere in it to the end. We believe the Holy Spirit is given to every child of God as a foretaste and guarantee of their eternal inheritance. He reveals and communicates the glorious riches of Christ. In order to be truly Christian, all prayer and action must spring from him. He alone can guarantee the believer fellowship with God and with his brethren.

8. The Church

We believe God planned to create for himself a new people, the Church3, which is the gathering together of all those who have been regenerated and reconciled to him by Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Church. He nourishes it by his Word and guides it by his Spirit. He will make it known in its fullness and its final perfection when all things are made new. We believe the local church, on its own particular level, is called upon to manifest the reality of the Body of Christ. It is a community of believers born of the Spirit who, conscious of their weakness and in all humility, desire to live together to the glory of God. We believe the Spirit creates unity among all those who believe in Christ. It is the duty of every local church and every Christian to preserve that unity for the honor of their Lord.

9. Baptism and Communion

We believe that Jesus Christ established for his Church two symbolic acts, baptism and communion. Local churches ensure that their meaning is well understood and they are practiced in that light. We believe that baptism is a unique act by which the believer testifies publicly to his commitment to the Christian faith. Immersion is the biblical method of baptism. God chose this symbol of the washing away of sin for the believer to express his union with Christ in his death, his burial and his resurrection, as well as his commitment to his Savior and to his brethren. The logic of baptism is that it precedes entry into the local church. We believe that communion commemorates and proclaims the atoning death of Jesus Christ. We believe that the bread and wine are, respectively, symbols of the body and blood our Savior offered up at the cross. When they share in communion, believers testify that they are one with Jesus Christ and in fellowship with one another, in the joyful expectation of his return in glory.

10. Resurrection, final judgment and eternity

We believe that all the dead will rise, the righteous and the unrighteous. We believe in the last judgment. Those who have persevered in unbelief will consciously endure the eternal punishment they deserve, and, because of the grace they received by faith, the redeemed will enjoy eternal glory in the presence of their Savior.

1. The true God

We worship the one and only God in three persons : Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is eternal, infinite, unchangeable, almighty, omniscient, perfectly wise, holy, just and good. He is Spirit. He is light and truth. He is love. He is the creator of all things. To him is due the highest degree of trust, obedience, gratitude, love and worship.

2. The Holy Scriptures

We believe that the Bible is God's Word to us. The only and infallible rule of faith and life is to be found there, and the foundation principles by which to judge every doctrine, tradition, and religious or ecclesiastical system, and every form of Christian action. Its revelation may not be modified or completed by any other. We believe that the Holy Spirit, in his sovereignty, presided over the origin and the formation of the sixty-six books of the Bible. We believe that he himself ensured the Bible's perfect teaching and its total truth, using authors who, in their humanity and under his divine inspiration, worked together to communicate to us the Word of God. We believe the Bible reveals all we need to know to find salvation, to live according to God's will and to find our joy in him.

3. Creation and man

We believe that God, in his perfect goodness, created the universe and all that is in it. We believe that this creation was in the beginning wholly good and that its direction is still to fulfill a plan of righteousness and love. We believe God created man and woman in his likeness to be his co-workers and to manifest his glory.

4. The separation and its consequences

We believe that though created morally righteous and good, our first parents consciously disobeyed their Creator. They thus forfeited their original state, and all of creation is affected by the consequences of their transgression. Since then, all men as their descendants are separated from God, have a tendency to evil, and are slaves of sin. They transgress God's laws and so continue to live under the threat of eternal perdition. Satan, as the instigator of the break between humanity and their Creator, along with the angels who work with him to maintain this situation, are destined for eternal punishment. We believe that God in his goodness offers men his grace. Personally and directly responsible before God, every human being is thus called upon to freely determine his eternal destiny by the spiritual position he assumes in this life, according to the light that is available to him.

5. Jesus Christ and his work

We believe that the eternal Word of God and only-begotten Son became a man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He is the Christ, the Messiah promised by the prophets. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, he is as fully man as he is God. Even though he voluntarily humbled himself, the Son of God manifested the same degree of perfection in the realm of truth as in the realm of goodness. He was tempted like us in all things, but remained perfectly holy. In his life as in his death he fully accomplished the will of God, communicated his mind and embodied the greatness of his love. We believe that Jesus Christ freely suffered and died on the cross. He offered up his perfect life in order to satisfy the demands of God's righteousness and as an atoning sacrifice for sinners. We believe Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead and that he ascended into heaven. He sits at the father's right hand and shares his glory. He intercedes before the Father on behalf of his people ; he will come again to gather them to himself and to establish the reign of God in all its glory. He is the only mediator between God and men. He will judge the living and the dead. He is Savior and Lord.

6. Salvation in Christ

We believe it is by grace that men are saved, through faith. Salvation is fully granted to all who, in the light of the Gospel and through the action of the Holy Spirit, put their trust in God, repent of their sins and claim the atoning work Christ accomplished at the cross. Because Christ's death and resurrection apply to him, the sinner is forgiven and declared righteous by God. He is baptized in the Spirit who regenerates him, and receives eternal life, which entails the renewal of his whole being.

7. The Holy Spirit and his action in the Christian life

We believe that the person of God the Holy Spirit works by applying to the human heart the truths of Scripture which he cannot contradict. In those who have been chosen according to God's plan he produces the essence and the fruits of the Christian life; he enables them to progress in that life and to persevere in it to the end. We believe the Holy Spirit is given to every child of God as a foretaste and guarantee of their eternal inheritance. He reveals and communicates the glorious riches of Christ. In order to be truly Christian, all prayer and action must spring from him. He alone can guarantee the believer fellowship with God and with his brethren.

8. The Church

We believe God planned to create for himself a new people, the Church3, which is the gathering together of all those who have been regenerated and reconciled to him by Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Church. He nourishes it by his Word and guides it by his Spirit. He will make it known in its fullness and its final perfection when all things are made new. We believe the local church, on its own particular level, is called upon to manifest the reality of the Body of Christ. It is a community of believers born of the Spirit who, conscious of their weakness and in all humility, desire to live together to the glory of God. We believe the Spirit creates unity among all those who believe in Christ. It is the duty of every local church and every Christian to preserve that unity for the honor of their Lord.

9. Baptism and Communion

We believe that Jesus Christ established for his Church two symbolic acts, baptism and communion. Local churches ensure that their meaning is well understood and they are practiced in that light. We believe that baptism is a unique act by which the believer testifies publicly to his commitment to the Christian faith. Immersion is the biblical method of baptism. God chose this symbol of the washing away of sin for the believer to express his union with Christ in his death, his burial and his resurrection, as well as his commitment to his Savior and to his brethren. The logic of baptism is that it precedes entry into the local church. We believe that communion commemorates and proclaims the atoning death of Jesus Christ. We believe that the bread and wine are, respectively, symbols of the body and blood our Savior offered up at the cross. When they share in communion, believers testify that they are one with Jesus Christ and in fellowship with one another, in the joyful expectation of his return in glory.

10. Resurrection, final judgment and eternity

We believe that all the dead will rise, the righteous and the unrighteous. We believe in the last judgment. Those who have persevered in unbelief will consciously endure the eternal punishment they deserve, and, because of the grace they received by faith, the redeemed will enjoy eternal glory in the presence of their Savior.
Eglise Evangelique Baptiste de Besançon Culte a 10 heures tous les dimanches
Eglise Evangelique Baptiste de Besançon Culte a 10 heures tous les dimanches